Quote gutterfax="gutterfax"51% of the population sweetheart, but 5% of our target audience (unless we do bingo when you can use the hubby's credit card)
Nothing wrong with it. Celebrities dying of cancer and flogging their tales of woe to HELLO is acceptable, weddings, christenings and FUNERALS sold to the highest bidder and all media becomes intrusive by invitation through the back door.........Paddy Power push the envelope, but this is society. This is the society that was created in the mid/late 70's and it is the norm now. Like Poseidon (or was it Neptune??)...the sea of media invasion, like lady Thatcher, "aint for turning".
He shot her.....in my opinion, the general opinion of a White SA young male as an arrogant nice person who treats the planet and women as his play-things and is beyond the law is a well deserved one, but some stupid dolphin kissing, tree hugging, bark licking, bra burning voiceover on the internet isn't going to change anything.......maybe if the voiceover bird hadn't been voice coached by a RADA qualified tutor and wasn't looking for a gig elsewhere she'd carry some weight.....but as it is, he's probably guilty, will most assuredly make money from it and will serve limited time if any!'"
Lol, that's the thing, we can be the change we want to see in the world. So I try and avoid anything backed by bookies which is difficult as they back everything!? Definitely steer clear of those Hello magazines.
Could be like sheep and listen to the sheepish mumorings of the Good Iron Lady of the 80s...or can have a can do, YES WE CAN attitude of seeing what standing up for what is right as a certain Gentleman from Robben Island had done.
Things will get better, if we want it to.
Ps-loving the new Peace and War Lynx advert. Defo check it out if you can.