Quote Sandro II Terrorista="Sandro II Terrorista"What exactly do you mean by a statement like that?'"
The guys I've mentioned (along with a host of others) are globalists. Whilst they wrap themselves in the flag and hum the national anthem on camera this is nothing more than political pragmatism. A means to an end. These people have no loyalties to any current state or government and the only ideology they respect is the one whereby the weak are dominated by the strong.
The fact that Kissinger, Brzezinski, Richard Pipes etc. all served in senior positions under successive American presidents shouldn't blind people to the fact that they have about as much in common with Democracy and what are perceived to be American "values" as Kim Jong-Un. Kissinger is representative of the German aristocratic class (circa Bismark) and undoubtedly a fascist. Both Brzezinski & Pipes are old-school Tsarists who fled the Bolsheviks and have made it their mission in life to return Russia to what is was under the Tsar.
Given their vested interests they should never have been allowed within the same postcode as Washington - and yet there they have sat for the past fifty years espousing policies which are clearly not in America's best interests. This tells us an awful lot about what politics actually is as opposed to what it is perceived to be.
You have to look at this issue from the perspective of those who Kissinger and company represent - big business. The only entities on the planet which have the resources and muscle to stop them from turning everyone into a Chinese sweatshop employee are governments. Which is why they are doing everything in their power to bring them to their knees.
People forget that back in the days of antiquity one of the reasons folk banded together to form city states was protection. Laws were codified so that the little guy had at least some chance of standing up to the excesses of power.
Quote Sandro II TerroristaI find your posts very interesting, i'm undecided but perhaps open minded (perhaps is on purpose) but those sort of statements surely make you look a little arrogant, no?'"
It's less arrogance than sheer bloody frustration. Eventually you just get fed up with people's inability to see something which is literally staring them in the face (and on the EU question it's been laid down in print for decades!). After years of banging my head against a brick wall I've arrived at a valuable conclusion:
[iPeople don't use facts to shape their understanding of how the world works. They use their understanding of how the world works to shape their facts. [/i
Whenever I say to people,[i "Look, WE are responsible for the waves of terrified immigrants flooding into Europe. WE are behind ISIS, Daesh (whatever ...)."[/i they scratch their heads and say, [i"Why would we do such a crazy thing when it will only harm us?"[/i
The mistake is in thinking the likes of Cameron, Blair etc. equate their interests with ours when anyone can see this isn't the case. When David Cameron steps down as PM he'll receive a pat on the head from his sponsors, a big fat thankyou cheque plus a healthy retainer and he won't give a damn that the country he's left behind is about to slide into the ocean.
As I've stated, almost the entire Mediterranean region is on the verge of falling into anarchy. Those nations we haven't already smashed up are teetering on the precipice. The strategy of creating tension by fomenting mass-migration is as old as the hills. But this current situation bears a striking resemblance to French Indo-China when the Americans forced 1,000,000 North Vietnamese to flee into the South. Within months the entire region was ablaze.
Quote Sandro II TerroristaI mean, where ultimately does that leave "us people"?'"
That depends on whether you want to take charge of your life or continue being a victim. And you WILL be a victim because the Kissingers of this world view the lot of us as expendable.
Take Brzezinski and the stuff he was writing back in the 60s and 70s. I haven't got the exact passage to hand (it's been a while since I could stomach wading through his bile) but he basically says ...
[i"People have too much spare time on their hands. With the threat of Soviet Russia diminishing we are going to have to reduce job security, wages etc., dramatically increase the number of distractions or we are going to have major problems retaining control". [/i
And ZB was by no means the only person saying the above. Noam Chomsky goes into great detail on this issue, BTW.
As for the current state of the EU and the issues which have lead to the Brexit question - I see this as one small component of a much bigger strategy which has been on the table certainly as far back as the Bolshevik revolution. I have a couple of brick-thick political journals which were written circa 1914 by some of the world's most famous statesmen and despite one or two differences it's amazing how similar the language and arguments are.